Data Access
Hourly averaged, multi-source, near-Earth solar wind magnetic field, plasma and energetic proton flux data, plus AE, AU, AL, Kp, ap, and Dst geomagnetic indices, Polar Cap (Thule) index, F10.7 index, and Rz (sunspot number). Also available at 1-day and 27-day resolution.
Hourly averaged, multi-source, near-Earth solar wind magnetic field, plasma and energetic proton flux data, plus AE, AU, AL, Kp, ap, and Dst geomagnetic indices, Polar Cap (Thule) index, F10.7 index, and Rz (sunspot number). Also available at 1-day and 27-day resolution.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | GeneralContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Joseph.H.King | |||
2. | TechnicalContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Natalia.E.Papitashvili |
Extensive OMNI documentation pages
ftp access to annual ASCII files of 1-hour OMNI data and to one full-time-span file for each 1-day and 27-day averages.
In CDF via HTTP from SPDF
In CDF via HTTP from SPDF
In CDF via HTTP from SPDF
Pathway to data and to extensive documentation. Plots, listings and user-specified files. Scatter plots and linear regressions. Distributions. Means, medians, standard deviations in distributions. Pathway to 1-min, 5-min, 1-day, 27-day averages.
Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.
Decimal day of year (Jan 1 = Day 1).
Decimal hour of day (0, 1, ...23; the average for hour 1 is from 01:00 to 02:00).
Bartel's rotation number
ID for magnetic field data source spacecraft for this hour. See documentation cited above.
| Spacecraft/Instrument Name | Spacecraft ID |
| IMP 1 (Explorer 18) | 18 |
| IMP 3 (Explorer 28) | 28 |
| IMP 4 (Explorer 34) | 34 |
| IMP 5 (Explorer 41) | 41 |
| IMP 6 (Explorer 43) | 43 |
| IMP 7 (Explorer 47) MAG and Plasma/MIT | 47 |
| IMP 7 (Explorer 47) Plasma/LANL | 44 |
| IMP 8 (Explorer 50) MAG and Plasma/MIT | 50 |
| IMP 8 (Explorer 50) Plasma/LANL | 45 |
| AIMP 1 (Explorer 33) | 33 |
| AIMP 2 (Explorer 35) | 35 |
| HEOS 1 and HEOS 2 | 1 |
| VELA 3 | 3 |
| OGO 5 | 5 |
| Merged LANL VELA Speed Data (July 1964 - March 1971) | 97 |
| Merged LANL IMP T,N,V (Including all IMP 8 LANL Plasma) | 98 |
| ISEE 1 | 11 |
| ISEE 2 | 12 |
| ISEE 3 | 13 |
| PROGNOZ 10 | 10 |
| WIND | 51 |
| ACE | 71 |
| Geotail | 60 |
| No spacecraft | 99 |
ID for plasma data source spacecraft for this hour. See documentation cited above.
| Spacecraft/Instrument Name | Spacecraft ID |
| IMP 1 (Explorer 18) | 18 |
| IMP 3 (Explorer 28) | 28 |
| IMP 4 (Explorer 34) | 34 |
| IMP 5 (Explorer 41) | 41 |
| IMP 6 (Explorer 43) | 43 |
| IMP 7 (Explorer 47) MAG and Plasma/MIT | 47 |
| IMP 7 (Explorer 47) Plasma/LANL | 44 |
| IMP 8 (Explorer 50) MAG and Plasma/MIT | 50 |
| IMP 8 (Explorer 50) Plasma/LANL | 45 |
| AIMP 1 (Explorer 33) | 33 |
| AIMP 2 (Explorer 35) | 35 |
| HEOS 1 and HEOS 2 | 1 |
| VELA 3 | 3 |
| OGO 5 | 5 |
| Merged LANL VELA Speed Data (July 1964 - March 1971) | 97 |
| Merged LANL IMP T,N,V (Including all IMP 8 LANL Plasma) | 98 |
| ISEE 1 | 11 |
| ISEE 2 | 12 |
| ISEE 3 | 13 |
| PROGNOZ 10 | 10 |
| WIND | 51 |
| ACE | 71 |
| Geotail | 60 |
| No spacecraft | 99 |
Number of fine scale points in magnetic field parameter averages for this hour
Number of fine scale points in plasma parameter averages for this hour
Average of fine scale field magnitudes
Magnitude of vector-averaged magnetic field vector. SQRT(<Bx>2 + <By>2 +<Bz>**2)
Elevation angle of vector-averaged magnetic field vector. ARCTAN <Bz>/SQRT(<Bx>2 + <By>2)
Azimuthal angle of vector-averaged magnetic field vector. ARCTAN <By>/<Bx>
Averaged GSE Cartesian components of magnetic field vector
Three hourly averaged magnetic field Cartesian components, in GSE
Averaged GSM Cartesian components of magnetic field vector
Three hourly averaged magnetic field Cartesian components, in GSE
Standard derviation in average of fine scale field magnitudes
Standard deviation of vector-averaged magnetic field vector. SQRT(sigma<Bx>2 + sigma<By>2 + Sigma<Bz>**2)
Standard deviations in averaged GSE Cartesian components of magnetic field vector
Three standard deviations in hourly averaged GSE magnetic field Cartesian components
Plasma proton temperature, variously derived for various OMNI-input data sets. Cross normalized
Plasma proton density, variously derived for various OMNI-input data sets. Cross normalized
Plasma proton flow speed, variously derived for various OMNI-input data sets. Cross normalized
Angle from negative Xgse axis towards positive Ygse axis
Angle (lease angle) from GSE X-Y plane to flow vector
Alpha to proton density ratio
Flow pressure. P (nPa) = (1.67/106) * NpV2 * (1+ 4Na/Np) Created from hourly averaged Np, Na, V
An array of 6 standard deviations in the hourly averages of temperature, density, flow speed, two flow direction angles and the Na/Np ratio
An array of 6 standard deviations in the hourly averages of temperature, density, flow speed, two flow direction angles and the Na/Np ratio
VxB electric field. -V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM) * 10**-3 Hourly averaged V and Bz used, the product is nearly the Ey component.
Plasma beta [(T4.16/105) + 5.34] * Np / B*2
Alfven Mach number (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B
Kp index, but rather than standard 3-,3,3+, we use 27,30,33, etc.
Daily sunspot number
Dst Index
AE Index
Hourly fluxes of protons above 1, 2, 4, 10, 30, 60 MeV; 1967-near current; 1973-2005 from IMP 8 CPME; 2006 and later from GOES
One flux for each of the 6 energy thresholds
ap index
F10.7 solar index
Polar Cap Index based on Thule
AL Index
AU Index