This data set contains spinfit DC Electric Field estimates in M-GSE coordinates that are measured by the Electric Field and Waves Suite (EFW) onboard Van Allen Probe A. One 2D vector estimate of the E-field is computed at a cadence of once per spin period (typically 10.7 to 11.1 s) using the survey E-field data product - the potential difference between EFW sensors V1 and V2 (E12) sampled at a nominal rate of 32 samp/s with a resolution of 16 bits. The X-component of the E-field estimate, corresponding to the axial component in the spacecraft coordinate system, is set to zero in this data product. See the EFW-FAQ ( for a discussion of this convention for this data product. The VxB electric field in the spacecraft frame due to orbital motion of the spacecraft around the Earth as computed from the spacecraft orbital velocity and measured B-field in the spacraft frame has been subtracted from the measured electric field, and so the data product is in the quasi-inertial frame equivalent to GSE (i.e. it is NOT in the corotation frame of the Earth!). Each spin fit is time-tagged with the time corresponding to the middle of the spin of data that went into the spin fit algorithm; in other words, if a given spin covers the interval (t1, t2), then the spin fit E-field estimate associated with that spin is given the time tag 0.5*(t1 + t2). The root mean square residual between the data included in the fit and the resulting best-fit model, sigma, and the final number of points included in the spin fit, npts, are also provided at spin-period cadence. The nominal dynamic range of the E-field estimate is +/- 1 V/m in any component.
This data set contains spinfit DC Electric Field estimates in M-GSE coordinates that are measured by the Electric Field and Waves Suite (EFW) onboard Van Allen Probe A. One 2D vector estimate of the E-field is computed at a cadence of once per spin period (typically 10.7 to 11.1 s) using the survey E-field data product - the potential difference between EFW sensors V1 and V2 (E12) sampled at a nominal rate of 32 samp/s with a resolution of 16 bits. The X-component of the E-field estimate, corresponding to the axial component in the spacecraft coordinate system, is set to zero in this data product. See the EFW-FAQ ( for a discussion of this convention for this data product. The VxB electric field in the spacecraft frame due to orbital motion of the spacecraft around the Earth as computed from the spacecraft orbital velocity and measured B-field in the spacraft frame has been subtracted from the measured electric field, and so the data product is in the quasi-inertial frame equivalent to GSE (i.e. it is NOT in the corotation frame of the Earth!). Each spin fit is time-tagged with the time corresponding to the middle of the spin of data that went into the spin fit algorithm; in other words, if a given spin covers the interval (t1, t2), then the spin fit E-field estimate associated with that spin is given the time tag 0.5*(t1 + t2). The root mean square residual between the data included in the fit and the resulting best-fit model, sigma, and the final number of points included in the spin fit, npts, are also provided at spin-period cadence. The nominal dynamic range of the E-field estimate is +/- 1 V/m in any component.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/John.R.Wygant | |||
2. | GeneralContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Robert.M.Candey | |||
3. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Lee.Frost.Bargatze |
Daily Summary Plots and additional L2 data
Science Gateway (including Mission Rules of the Road for Data Usage)
In CDF via ftp from CDAWeb
In CDF via HTTP from SPDF
Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.
Time, UTC
Spinfit E-field in MGSE (autoscale, VxB subtracted, i.e. near GSE)
Spinfit E-field in MGSE (fixedscale, VxB subtracted, i.e. near GSE)
The sigma of the spin fit of each spin period from boom V12.
Number of points used in a spin fit of one spin period from boom V12.
Spin-fit E-field component number
VxB E-field in MGSE coordinates.
Configuration (HSK) timetags, UTC
EFW Boom Electronics Board (BEB) configuration code (on-board sensor biases
EFW Digital Fields Board (DFB) Configuration code (on-board spectral and waveform processing configuration)
Timetags for elements of efw_qual.
EFW quality array (global estimate of EFW data quality, plus 13 underlying observatory and instrument-level data quality factors)
Component numbers for EFW data quality flags, efw_qual..