Data Access
STEREO-A Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition, Singly-charged Helium, He⁺, counts and relative differential energy fluxes binned by the ion speed relative to the solar wind bulk speed, four speed ratio bins. STEREO PLASTIC daily suprathermal He⁺ pickup ion signatures include He⁺ energy spectra, directional information, and contenxt information, such as the H⁺ plasma velocity. The four speed ratio, V/Vsw, bin ranges of are: 1.44 to 1.85, 1.85 to 2.50, 2.50 to 3.50, and 3.50 to 8.00. The identification of He⁺ is based on the measurement of energy per charge, E/q, time-of-flight, TOF, and total energy deposited in the solid state detector, SSD. These data include double coincidence measurements by using E/Qi and TOF and triple coincidence measurements by using E/Q, TOF, and SSD, see for example Galvin et al., Space Sci. Rev. 136, p 437-468, 2008. The proton bulk parameters including speed, Vsw, thermal velocity, Vth, and Density, Np, in this file are derived from a one-deminsional, 1-D, Maxwellian fit to a single detector rate with no coincidence required. These proton bulk parameters are corrected for background and dead time. The software version number used to derive the proton bulk parameters is shown in the file header and is described in the section on file formats. The most recent update of the proton bulk parameters can be found on the following STEREO website: For a full explanation, see the description at: The singly-charged Helium, He⁺, flux data are also available from the STEREO Science Center in ASCII format via: Note that this SPASE Numerical Description only describes the MESSENGER Magnetometer data stored in Common Data Files.
STEREO-A Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition, Singly-charged Helium, He⁺, counts and relative differential energy fluxes binned by the ion speed relative to the solar wind bulk speed, four speed ratio bins. STEREO PLASTIC daily suprathermal He⁺ pickup ion signatures include He⁺ energy spectra, directional information, and contenxt information, such as the H⁺ plasma velocity. The four speed ratio, V/Vsw, bin ranges of are: 1.44 to 1.85, 1.85 to 2.50, 2.50 to 3.50, and 3.50 to 8.00. The identification of He⁺ is based on the measurement of energy per charge, E/q, time-of-flight, TOF, and total energy deposited in the solid state detector, SSD. These data include double coincidence measurements by using E/Qi and TOF and triple coincidence measurements by using E/Q, TOF, and SSD, see for example Galvin et al., Space Sci. Rev. 136, p 437-468, 2008. The proton bulk parameters including speed, Vsw, thermal velocity, Vth, and Density, Np, in this file are derived from a one-deminsional, 1-D, Maxwellian fit to a single detector rate with no coincidence required. These proton bulk parameters are corrected for background and dead time. The software version number used to derive the proton bulk parameters is shown in the file header and is described in the section on file formats. The most recent update of the proton bulk parameters can be found on the following STEREO website: For a full explanation, see the description at: The singly-charged Helium, He⁺, flux data are also available from the STEREO Science Center in ASCII format via: Note that this SPASE Numerical Description only describes the MESSENGER Magnetometer data stored in Common Data Files.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/Antoinette.B.Galvin | |||
2. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Robert.M.Candey | |||
3. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Lee.Frost.Bargatze |
STEREO Plasma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition, PLASTIC, instrument web site, release notes, status, and other information, hosted by University of New Hampshire, UNH
STEREO PLASTIC instrument resources web site, hosted by University of New Hampshire, UNH
General information concerning the STEREO A, Plasma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition, PLASTIC, instrument
Readme for STEREO PLASTIC daily suprathermal He⁺ relative fluxes, last update: November 06, 2017
Access to Data in CDF Format via ftp from SPDF
Access to Data in CDF Format via http from SPDF
Access to ASCII, CDF, and Plots via NASA/GSFC CDAWeb
Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.
Epoch Time Tags, time since 0 AD, beginning of interval
Time PB5, Time of Observation, Year, Day, and Milliseconds of Day
Data Processing Date
Data Input File
Proton Bulk Speed, from one-dimensional Maxwellian Fit
Proton Thermal Speed, from one-dimensional Maxwellian Fit
Proton Number Density, from one-dimensional Maxwellian Fit
Singly charged Helium, He⁺, Relative Energy Flux in four ranges of the ion velocity divided by the solar wind bulk speed, V/Vsw.
Singly charged Helium, He⁺, Counts in four ranges of the ion velocity divided by the solar wind bulk speed, V/Vsw.