Trajectory of Galileo during Io flybys. Obtained from NASA/PDS MAG dataset.
1995-12-07T15:21:02 1995-12-07T18:25:40
1999-10-11T03:42:20 1999-10-11T06:41:52
2000-02-22T13:04:50 2000-02-22T14:25:42
2001-08-06T04:25:48 2001-08-06T05:29:08
2001-10-16T01:04:35 2001-10-16T02:21:47
Available coordinate systems:
* System III : R is along the Jupiter to spacecraft line, positive away from Jupiter. Phi is parallel to the Jovigraphic equator (Omega x R). Theta completes the right-handed set (positive southward).
* IPHIO - Callisto Phi-Omega coordinates : X is in the direction of corotational flow (System III Phi). Z is parallel to the Jovian spin axis (Omega). Y completes the right handed set.
* ISPRH - spherical Callisto-centered 'planetocentric' right-handed coordinates : R is along the satellite to spacecraft line, positive away from the satellite. Phi is parellel to the satellite's planetographic equator and positive in a right-handed sense. Theta completes the right-handed set (positive southward).
Trajectory of Galileo during Io flybys. Obtained from NASA/PDS MAG dataset.
1995-12-07T15:21:02 1995-12-07T18:25:40
1999-10-11T03:42:20 1999-10-11T06:41:52
2000-02-22T13:04:50 2000-02-22T14:25:42
2001-08-06T04:25:48 2001-08-06T05:29:08
2001-10-16T01:04:35 2001-10-16T02:21:47
Available coordinate systems:
* System III : R is along the Jupiter to spacecraft line, positive away from Jupiter. Phi is parallel to the Jovigraphic equator (Omega x R). Theta completes the right-handed set (positive southward).
* IPHIO - Callisto Phi-Omega coordinates : X is in the direction of corotational flow (System III Phi). Z is parallel to the Jovian spin axis (Omega). Y completes the right handed set.
* ISPRH - spherical Callisto-centered 'planetocentric' right-handed coordinates : R is along the satellite to spacecraft line, positive away from the satellite. Phi is parellel to the satellite's planetographic equator and positive in a right-handed sense. Theta completes the right-handed set (positive southward).
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/Margaret.Galland.Kivelson | |||
2. | DataProducer | spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/Steven.Joy |
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Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application.
Galileo trajectory coordinates in IPIO coordinates
Galileo distance to Io (in Io Radii)
Galileo latitude in ISPRH coordinates
Galileo longitude in ISPRH coordinates
Galileo distance to Jupiter in Jovian Radii
Galileo latitude in System III coordinates
Galileo east-longitude in System III coordinates
Galileo west-longitude in System III coordinates