Data Access
This event catalog was generated with an automated detection algorithm based on the entire EUVI image database observed with the two Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory STEREO-A and -B spacecraft over the first six years of the mission (2006 – 2012). The event catalog includes the heliographic positions of some 20 000 EUV events, transformed from spacecraft coordinates to Earth coordinates, and information on associated GOES flare events (down to the level of GOES A5-class flares). The 304 ˚A wavelength turns out to be the most efficient channel for flare detection (79 %), while the 171 ˚A (4 %), 195 ˚A (10 %), and the 284 ˚A channel (7 %) retrieve substantially fewer flare events, partially due to the suppressing effect of EUV dimming, and partially due to the lower cadence in the later years of the mission. Due to the Suncircling orbits of STEREO-A and -B, a large number of flares have been detected on the farside of the Sun, invisible from Earth, or seen as partially occulted events. The statistical size distributions of EUV peak fluxes (with a power-law slope of αP = 2.5 ± 0.2) and event durations (with a power-law slope of αT = 2.4 ± 0.3) are found to be consistent with the fractal-diffusive self-organized criticality model.
Publication DOI
This event catalog was generated with an automated detection algorithm based on the entire EUVI image database observed with the two Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory STEREO-A and -B spacecraft over the first six years of the mission (2006 – 2012). The event catalog includes the heliographic positions of some 20 000 EUV events, transformed from spacecraft coordinates to Earth coordinates, and information on associated GOES flare events (down to the level of GOES A5-class flares). The 304 ˚A wavelength turns out to be the most efficient channel for flare detection (79 %), while the 171 ˚A (4 %), 195 ˚A (10 %), and the 284 ˚A channel (7 %) retrieve substantially fewer flare events, partially due to the suppressing effect of EUV dimming, and partially due to the lower cadence in the later years of the mission. Due to the Suncircling orbits of STEREO-A and -B, a large number of flares have been detected on the farside of the Sun, invisible from Earth, or seen as partially occulted events. The statistical size distributions of EUV peak fluxes (with a power-law slope of αP = 2.5 ± 0.2) and event durations (with a power-law slope of αT = 2.4 ± 0.3) are found to be consistent with the fractal-diffusive self-organized criticality model.
Publication DOI
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | Author | spase://SMWG/Person/Markus.J.Aschwanden | |||
2. | Author | spase://SMWG/Person/Jean-Pierre.Wulser | |||
3. | Author | spase://SMWG/Person/Nariaki.V.Nitta | |||
4. | Author | spase://SMWG/Person/James.R.Lemen | |||
5. | Author | spase://SMWG/Person/William.T.Thompson |
The time cadence
the spacecraft (A,B)
A daily event number per spacecraft
the wavelength
the preflare background flux
the peak flux
the background change
the fluence
The rise time [tr = (tp − tb1] (minutes)
The decay time [td = (tb2 − tp)] (minutes)
The GOES peak time difference [tg = (tGOES − tp)] (minutes)
GOES class
the spacecraft
suborbital longitude [l0] and latitude [b0],
The spacecraft heliographic coordinates of the
event [lsc, bsc], the Earth-based heliographic coordinates [l, b] of the event
The distance from Sun center seen from Earth [r]