AMPTE-UKS Ion Plasma Data, solar wind mode
2020-07-07 21:14:17Z
AMPTE-UKS 5-second (spin) averaged ion plasma moments
UKS-IRM Prime Parameters, UKS-IRM High Resolution Data, or products derived from them may NOT be published or shown in any form without the consent of the Principal Investigators concerned. Acknowledgements to the PI and the UK CDHF would
be appropriate in any published work; full-authorship may be required
in some cases.
Scientists intending to embark on studies involving AMPTE UKS/IRM data
products are advised to contact the relevant Principal Investigator(s)
early in order to ensure that the data is suitable for the study, that
the project does not infringe on other ongoing work, and that the
Principal Investigator in general consents to the intended use of the
data. PIs can provide this support only on a best efforts basis, so please
be as precise and succinct as possible, and please be patient when awaiting
a PI response.
AMPTE documents
An overview of the AMPTE mission with some description of the instruments
The time tags represent the start times of accumulation intervals (spin). UKS times are UT stamped on board while IRM time stamps are UT at time of ground receipt. Thus for time-critical science, the IRM times need to be corrected by subtracting the light travel time from the spacecraft to the ground-station (at Weilheim in Germany apart special events requiring NASA DSN). For the transmission frequencies used, the vacuum light speed is appropriate. At apogee, this correction is more than a third of a second. There are no other known time delays.