The GOLD solar irradiance proxy (QEUV) is a proxy for the integrated solar EUV
irradiance below 45 nm, which can be derived directly from far ultraviolet (FUV) radiance
measurements. QEUV is a dayside disk data product, derived from the GOLD DAY measurement mode.
Algorithm heritage
The disk QEUV retrieval algorithm was originally developed for use with GUVI and SSUSI images
(Strickland et al., [1995]). The GOLD implementation of this algorithm takes advantage of GOLD’s
ability to transmit the full spectrum to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio and eliminate atomic
emission lines that contaminate the N2 LBH bands (e.g., N I 149.3 nm). This algorithm has been
extensively documented and applied (e.g., Strickland et al. [2004]; Evans et al., [1995]). The
associated GOLD Level 2 data product is called QEUV.
-Evans, J. S., D. J. Strickland and R. E. Huffman (1995), Satellite remote sensing of thermospheric
O/N2 and solar EUV: 2. Data analysis, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 100, NO. A7, pages 12,227-12,233.
-Strickland, D. J., J. S. Evans, and L. J. Paxton (1995), Satellite remote sensing of thermospheric
O/N2 and solar EUV: 1. Theory, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A7, pages 12,217-12,226.
-Strickland, D. J., J. L. Lean, R. R. Meier, A. B. Christensen, L. J. Paxton, D. Morrison, J. D.
Craven, R. L. Walterscheid, D. L. Judge, and D. R. McMullin, (2004), Solar EUV irradiance variability
derived from terrestrial far ultraviolet dayglow observations, Vol. 31, L03801, doi:10.1029/2003GL018415.
The GOLD solar irradiance proxy (QEUV) is a proxy for the integrated solar EUV
irradiance below 45 nm, which can be derived directly from far ultraviolet (FUV) radiance
measurements. QEUV is a dayside disk data product, derived from the GOLD DAY measurement mode.
Algorithm heritage
The disk QEUV retrieval algorithm was originally developed for use with GUVI and SSUSI images
(Strickland et al., [1995]). The GOLD implementation of this algorithm takes advantage of GOLD’s
ability to transmit the full spectrum to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio and eliminate atomic
emission lines that contaminate the N2 LBH bands (e.g., N I 149.3 nm). This algorithm has been
extensively documented and applied (e.g., Strickland et al. [2004]; Evans et al., [1995]). The
associated GOLD Level 2 data product is called QEUV.
-Evans, J. S., D. J. Strickland and R. E. Huffman (1995), Satellite remote sensing of thermospheric
O/N2 and solar EUV: 2. Data analysis, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 100, NO. A7, pages 12,227-12,233.
-Strickland, D. J., J. S. Evans, and L. J. Paxton (1995), Satellite remote sensing of thermospheric
O/N2 and solar EUV: 1. Theory, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A7, pages 12,217-12,226.
-Strickland, D. J., J. L. Lean, R. R. Meier, A. B. Christensen, L. J. Paxton, D. Morrison, J. D.
Craven, R. L. Walterscheid, D. L. Judge, and D. R. McMullin, (2004), Solar EUV irradiance variability
derived from terrestrial far ultraviolet dayglow observations, Vol. 31, L03801, doi:10.1029/2003GL018415.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/Richard.Eastes | |||
2. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/James.M.Weygand |
GOLD web page with news and other information.
Eastes, R.W., McClintock, W.E., Burns, A.G. et al. Space Sci. Rev. (2017) vol. 212, pp.383.
FTPS access to Gold Level L2 data
HTTPS access to Gold Level L2 data
Random uncertainty in N2 LBH brightness.
Random uncertainty in retrieved QEUV.
QEUV lookup table filename.
ON2 data quality index.
Retrieved O/N2 column density ratio used in QEUV retrieval.
Random uncertainty in oxygen 135.6 nm brightness.
Systematic uncertainty in retrieved QEUV.
UTC start time of scan, e.g., "2017-06-21T23:46:38.015Z".
Retrieved QEUV value.
Solar zenith angle at tangent point.
Systematic uncertainty in ON2.
Model uncertainty in retrieved O/N2 ratio.
Systematic uncertainty in N2 LBH brightness.
UTC date/time string: "2017-06-21T23:46:38.015Z".
L1C file name for each occultation.
N2 LBH brightness used in retrieval.
QEUV data quality index per pixel. 0 No known data quality issues. 1 Invalid wavelength mask. 2 No valid input. 4 No valid output. 8 Insufficient latitude coverage. 16 Invalid lookup table. Pixel Level
Hemisphere scanned (‘N’ or ‘S’).
Wavelength mask defining OI 1356 bandpass used in retrieval.
GOLD channel (‘A’ or ‘B’).
Random uncertainty in retrieved O/N2 ratio.
NMAX data quality index (see table below).
Model uncertainty in retrieved QEUV.
Wavelength mask defining LBH bandpass used in retrieval.
Emission angle (relative to zenith).
ON2 lookup table filename.
UTC stop time of scan, e.g., "2017-06-21T23:46:38.015Z".
Systematic uncertainty in oxygen 135.6 nm brightness.
Wavelength grid for 1356 mask.