Data Access
Small Transients (ST) are identified by the following criteria: 1. The STs have durations between 0.5 and 12 hours. 2. Magnetic field strength is higher than the yearly average (> 1.3 times yearly average). 3. Low proton beta (less than 0.7 times yearly average) or low proton temperature (Tp/Texp < 0.7). 4. Low Alfvén Mach Number (less than 0.7 yearly average), or large rotations of magnetic field components (we used the minimum variance analysis on the magnetic field, Sonnerup and Cahill Jr. [1967], Sonnerup and Scheible [1998]; and we require that the intermediate-to-minimum eigenvalue ratio be > 5). 5. Checking the Aflvénic fluctuations. We remove all three correlations (Rx, Ry, Rz) greater than 0.5, or two greater than 0.6 and the other greater than 0.3 from our list, which is similar to the criterion in Cartwright and Moldwin [2008].
Small Transients (ST) are identified by the following criteria: 1. The STs have durations between 0.5 and 12 hours. 2. Magnetic field strength is higher than the yearly average (> 1.3 times yearly average). 3. Low proton beta (less than 0.7 times yearly average) or low proton temperature (Tp/Texp < 0.7). 4. Low Alfvén Mach Number (less than 0.7 yearly average), or large rotations of magnetic field components (we used the minimum variance analysis on the magnetic field, Sonnerup and Cahill Jr. [1967], Sonnerup and Scheible [1998]; and we require that the intermediate-to-minimum eigenvalue ratio be > 5). 5. Checking the Aflvénic fluctuations. We remove all three correlations (Rx, Ry, Rz) greater than 0.5, or two greater than 0.6 and the other greater than 0.3 from our list, which is similar to the criterion in Cartwright and Moldwin [2008].
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/Antoinette.B.Galvin |
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