This data set includes dual-frequency (S- and X-band) data sampled at one-second resolution from the superior conjunction (C1) of Ulysses with the Sun during August 6 to September 5, 1991. The dual-frequency data were derived from raw tracking station data in Archival tracking Data Files (ATDFs), which include both ranging and doppler data from the standard DSN tracking receivers. The data for SCE are provided by the Radio Science Support group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Two file types are included: (1) binary compressed (UNIX gzip) versions of ASCII tables of the one-second dual frequency data, and (2) ASCII document *.txt files. Each data file contains dual-frequency Doppler data at a sample rate of one point per second from each tracking pass. The data filename provides the day-of-year (doy) and ground tracking station (dss) according to the scheme "DOP91doy.dss" for the C1 conjunction. The "doy" given to each data file applies to the start of the data recording. The document file "datalist_c1.txt" contains listings of each tracking pass with such information as date, ATDF number, start and end times of pass, start and end times of data recording, pass duration, station overlaps, etc. The total volume of validated SCE Doppler data in the data set is 32.4 MB for the binary compressed *.gz files and 161.8 MB for uncompressed ASCII data. Details on the SCE Experiment are available in Bird, M. K., et al., "The Coronal Sounding Experiment," Astron. and Astrophys. Supp. Ser., 92(2), 425-430, 1992.
This data set includes dual-frequency (S- and X-band) data sampled at one-second resolution from the superior conjunction (C1) of Ulysses with the Sun during August 6 to September 5, 1991. The dual-frequency data were derived from raw tracking station data in Archival tracking Data Files (ATDFs), which include both ranging and doppler data from the standard DSN tracking receivers. The data for SCE are provided by the Radio Science Support group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Two file types are included: (1) binary compressed (UNIX gzip) versions of ASCII tables of the one-second dual frequency data, and (2) ASCII document *.txt files. Each data file contains dual-frequency Doppler data at a sample rate of one point per second from each tracking pass. The data filename provides the day-of-year (doy) and ground tracking station (dss) according to the scheme "DOP91doy.dss" for the C1 conjunction. The "doy" given to each data file applies to the start of the data recording. The document file "datalist_c1.txt" contains listings of each tracking pass with such information as date, ATDF number, start and end times of pass, start and end times of data recording, pass duration, station overlaps, etc. The total volume of validated SCE Doppler data in the data set is 32.4 MB for the binary compressed *.gz files and 161.8 MB for uncompressed ASCII data. Details on the SCE Experiment are available in Bird, M. K., et al., "The Coronal Sounding Experiment," Astron. and Astrophys. Supp. Ser., 92(2), 425-430, 1992.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | DataProducer | spase://SMWG/Person/Michael.K.Bird |
Via ftp in ASCII from SPDF
Via ftp in ASCII from SPDF