The Interstellar Boundary Explorer, IBEX, has operated in space since 2008 updating our knowledge of the outer heliosphere and its interaction with the local interstellar medium. Start-time: 2008-12-25. There are currently 15 releases of IBEX-HI and/or IBEX-LO data covering the years from 2009 to 2018. This data set is derived from the Release 14 three-year IBEX-Hi map data with two-year overlaps of adjacent maps, 2009-2011, 2010-2012, and so forth through 2015-2017 from ram-direction fluxes with corrections for spacecraft motion, cg: Compton-Getting, but with no corrections, sp, for Energetic Neutral Atom, ENA, survival probability between 1 and 100 AU. The data set parameters include line-of-sight, LOS, integrated pressures computed separately from the Global Distributed Flux, GDF, the Ribbon Flux, and the Total Flux from summing GDF and Ribbon LOS pressures. Additionally there are signal to noise ratios for the GDF, Ribbon, and Total LOS pressures. Finally, there are power law slope values for the GDF differential flux and signal to noise ratios of the slope. The IBEX Release 14 data are archived as fully citable data. Please consult IBEX team publications and personnel for further details on production, processing, and usage of these data. The data consist of ram-direction sky maps in Solar Ecliptic Longitude, east and west, and Latitude angles for the above parameters. Details of the data and enabled science from Release 14 are given in the following journal publication: Schwadron, N. A., et al. 2018, Time Dependence of the IBEX Ribbon and the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux Using the First 9 Years of Observations, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aae48e. The following codes are used to define data set types in the multiple IBEX data releases: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Code Code definition --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cg Compton-Getting corrections have been applied to the data to account for the speed of the spacecraft relative to the direction of arrival of the ENAs nocg no Compton-Getting corrections --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sp survival probability corrections have been applied to the data to account for the loss of ENAs due to radiation pressure, photoionization and ionization via charge exchange with solar wind protons as they stream through the heliosphere. This correction scales the data out from IBEX at 1 AU to approximately 100 AU. In the original data this mode is denoted as Tabular. noSP no survival probability corrections have been applied to the data --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- omni data from all directions ram data was collected when the spacecraft was ramming into the incoming ENAs antiram data was collected when the spacecraft was moving away from the incoming ENAs +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This particular data set denoted in the original ASCII files as: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Directory Name File Content Description +---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GDFPressure Globally Distributed Flux Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 GDFSlope Power Law Slope of the differential flux spectrum for the Globally Distributed Flux GDFSlopeSN Signal/Noise ratio of the GDF differential flux power law slope where noise represents uncertainty GDFSN Globally Distributed Flux Signal/Noise, where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight integrated pressure RibbonPressure Ribbon Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 RibbonSN Ribbon Signal/Noise, where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight integrated pressure TotPressure Total Pressure in ENA maps including both the GDF and Ribbon. Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 TotSN Total Pressure Signal-to-Noise where noise represents uncertainty and signal represents the Total LOS integrated pressure +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The Interstellar Boundary Explorer, IBEX, has operated in space since 2008 updating our knowledge of the outer heliosphere and its interaction with the local interstellar medium. Start-time: 2008-12-25. There are currently 15 releases of IBEX-HI and/or IBEX-LO data covering the years from 2009 to 2018. This data set is derived from the Release 14 three-year IBEX-Hi map data with two-year overlaps of adjacent maps, 2009-2011, 2010-2012, and so forth through 2015-2017 from ram-direction fluxes with corrections for spacecraft motion, cg: Compton-Getting, but with no corrections, sp, for Energetic Neutral Atom, ENA, survival probability between 1 and 100 AU. The data set parameters include line-of-sight, LOS, integrated pressures computed separately from the Global Distributed Flux, GDF, the Ribbon Flux, and the Total Flux from summing GDF and Ribbon LOS pressures. Additionally there are signal to noise ratios for the GDF, Ribbon, and Total LOS pressures. Finally, there are power law slope values for the GDF differential flux and signal to noise ratios of the slope. The IBEX Release 14 data are archived as fully citable data. Please consult IBEX team publications and personnel for further details on production, processing, and usage of these data. The data consist of ram-direction sky maps in Solar Ecliptic Longitude, east and west, and Latitude angles for the above parameters. Details of the data and enabled science from Release 14 are given in the following journal publication: Schwadron, N. A., et al. 2018, Time Dependence of the IBEX Ribbon and the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux Using the First 9 Years of Observations, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aae48e. The following codes are used to define data set types in the multiple IBEX data releases: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Code Code definition --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cg Compton-Getting corrections have been applied to the data to account for the speed of the spacecraft relative to the direction of arrival of the ENAs nocg no Compton-Getting corrections --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sp survival probability corrections have been applied to the data to account for the loss of ENAs due to radiation pressure, photoionization and ionization via charge exchange with solar wind protons as they stream through the heliosphere. This correction scales the data out from IBEX at 1 AU to approximately 100 AU. In the original data this mode is denoted as Tabular. noSP no survival probability corrections have been applied to the data --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- omni data from all directions ram data was collected when the spacecraft was ramming into the incoming ENAs antiram data was collected when the spacecraft was moving away from the incoming ENAs +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This particular data set denoted in the original ASCII files as: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Directory Name File Content Description +---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GDFPressure Globally Distributed Flux Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 GDFSlope Power Law Slope of the differential flux spectrum for the Globally Distributed Flux GDFSlopeSN Signal/Noise ratio of the GDF differential flux power law slope where noise represents uncertainty GDFSN Globally Distributed Flux Signal/Noise, where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight integrated pressure RibbonPressure Ribbon Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 RibbonSN Ribbon Signal/Noise, where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight integrated pressure TotPressure Total Pressure in ENA maps including both the GDF and Ribbon. Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 TotSN Total Pressure Signal-to-Noise where noise represents uncertainty and signal represents the Total LOS integrated pressure +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | PrincipalInvestigator | spase://SMWG/Person/David.J.McComas | |||
2. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Robert.M.Candey | |||
3. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Lee.Frost.Bargatze | |||
4. | MetadataContact | spase://SMWG/Person/Scott.Boardsen |
IBEX Mission, Instrument, and Data Release Descriptions
IBEX Data Release-14, IBEX-Hi three-year maps in ASCII list and image formats
Access to Data in CDF Format via ftp from SPDF
Access to Data in CDF Format via http from SPDF
Access to ASCII, CDF, and Plots via NASA/GSFC CDAWeb
Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.
Epoch Time Tags, start time of the six-month measurement period, expressed by using day-month-year hour:minute:second format, i.e., 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00.000
Epoch Time Tags, stop time of the six-month measurement period, expressed by using day-month-year hour:minute:second format, i.e., 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00.000
Start Map Numbber, equential number ranging from 1 to 10 for the six-month maps from the IBEX Data Release 10
Solar Ecliptic Latitude Bin Number, an index ranging in value from 1 to 30 that corresponds to 6° latitudinal increments of the current IBEX-HI viewing sector
Solar West Ecliptic Longitude Bin Number, an index ranging in value from 1 to 60 that corresponds to 6° longitudinal increments of the current IBEX-HI viewing sector
Solar Ecliptic Latitude, the mid-point of the 6° latitudinal IBEX-HI viewing sector
Solar West Ecliptic Longitude, the mid-point of the 6° longitudinal IBEX-HI viewing sector
Solar East Ecliptic Longitude, the mid-point of the 6° longitudinal IBEX-HI viewing sector
Starting Orbit Number of the measurement period
Ending Orbit Number of the measurement period
Starting Year Number of the measurement period
Ending Year Number of the measurement period
Globally Distributed Flux, GDF, Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Globally Distributed Flux, GDF, Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, where Noise represents the uncertainty and Signal represents the GDF LOS integrated pressure. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Globally Distributed Flux, GDF, Differential Flux Power Law Slope. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Globally Distributed Flux, GDF, Differential Flux Power Law Slope, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, where Noise represents the uncertainty and Signal represents the GDF Differential Flux Power Law Slope. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Ribbon Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Ribbon Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, where Noise represents the uncertainty and Signal represents the Ribbon LOS integrated pressure. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Total GDF and Ribbon Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure Sum. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].
Total GDF and Ribbon Line-of-Sight, LOS, Integrated Pressure Sum, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, where Noise represents the uncertainty and Signal represents the Total LOS integrated pressure. * Column 1 Labels from WEST_LONGITUDE: [ 357, 351, 345, 339, 333, 327, 321, 315, 309, 303, 297, 291, 285, 279, 273, 267, 261, 255, 249, 243, 237, 231, 225, 219, 213, 207, 201, 195, 189, 183, 177, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129, 123, 117, 111, 105, 99, 93, 87, 81, 75, 69, 63, 57, 51, 45, 39, 33, 27, 21, 15, 9, 3]. * Column 2 Labels from LATITUDE: [ -87, -81, -75, -69, -63, -57, -51, -45, -39, -33, -27, -21, -15, -9, -3, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87].