This dataset provides data of a total of 291 spacecraft surface charging events detected during the operation of the Freja satellite.
The dataset provides peak charging level, light conditions and charging duration.
The Freja mission objective was to study the polar (high latitude) auroral processes and was therefore
equipped with a highly advanced plasma payload package, and the spacecraft itself was designed to be
as electrically clean as possible. Such a payload package is, of course, also suitable for spacecraft charging studies.
Numerous surface charging events did indeed occur with negative charging levels as large as -2000 Volts. For detailed analysis
of the Freja charging events, see workpackage reports WP110, WP120 and WP130 (, and take contact
withe the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, before using any of the data presented here. The data interpretation may
be heavily dependent on instrumental capabilities and measurement mode types.
This dataset provides data of a total of 291 spacecraft surface charging events detected during the operation of the Freja satellite.
The dataset provides peak charging level, light conditions and charging duration.
The Freja mission objective was to study the polar (high latitude) auroral processes and was therefore
equipped with a highly advanced plasma payload package, and the spacecraft itself was designed to be
as electrically clean as possible. Such a payload package is, of course, also suitable for spacecraft charging studies.
Numerous surface charging events did indeed occur with negative charging levels as large as -2000 Volts. For detailed analysis
of the Freja charging events, see workpackage reports WP110, WP120 and WP130 (, and take contact
withe the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, before using any of the data presented here. The data interpretation may
be heavily dependent on instrumental capabilities and measurement mode types.
Role | Person | StartDate | StopDate | Note | |
1. | ProjectScientist | spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/J.Wahlund |
Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.
Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application.
Orbit number
peak charging level
Event duration
Sunlight conditions (eclpise=1, Sunlight = 0, Both = 2)
Electron density
Electron spectra
Freja spin axis angle vs. magnetic field direction